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As you are aware, the CSC has implemented procedures to ensure the collection of SSNs and uniform pseudo-SSNs in order to enable us to use information from other data bases (School system, Dept. of  Juvenile Justice, Dept. of Children & Families) to evaluate the impact of CSC-funded programs on rates of delinquency, abuse and neglect, school success, etc.  New laws concerning the collection of SSNs have created another change that will require your cooperation.  In order to ensure timely compliance with the law, you will need to begin to inform all of your program participants of the reason for the collection of SSNs, in writing beginning Jan. 31, 2008, using the following language. This language will be monitored for compliance. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact your Program Manager immediately. Thank you for your usual excellent cooperation!

"The Children’s Services Council of Broward County (“CSC”) collects and uses the social security numbers of participants of CSC-funded programs and the parents/guardians of such participants so that CSC may collect and use data from other agencies for comparison purposes in order for CSC to track and measure the impact of CSC-funded programs. This also helps CSC with maintaining and improving successful programs and services.  All individual information is safeguarded and will not be disclosed.  CSC’s collection of social security numbers from its participants and the parents/guardians is critical for the performance of CSC’s duties and responsibilities as prescribed by law.  Social security numbers collected by CSC shall not be used by CSC for any purpose other than the purpose provided in this written statement.”