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There is No Shame in Seeking Help.

Millions of people around the globe, including children, have been impacted by mental health struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, disruptions to our way of life have affected adults much like children, fueling feelings of fear and anxiety.

As an adult, feeling overwhelmed can seem normal, but you may develop concerns or observe changes in your behavior like mood, impulse control, and difficulty managing emotions. There is no shame in seeking help.

Mental health conditions can be challenging, and early intervention treatments work best when you build a relationship with a mental health provider. Whether you are caring for a child or not, being prepared for this journey means seeking advice from trusted resources, remaining open to guidance, and recognizing that there are no irrelevant questions.

The CEO of Broward Behavioral Health Coalition, Sylvia Quintana, stressed how vital listening to one another could be for our mental health. “If we have families, children, or partners- it is very important we stop everything we are doing and give the person we care about time and presence they need to be listened to and addressed, and vice versa we need time to be listened to. It is kind of like a two-way street.”

At The Children's Services Council of Broward County, we value MOMS (Mothers Overcoming Maternal Stress). So we designed programming to address the emotional stressors of motherhood, sharing insights for improving family dynamics and best practices in one-on-one or group settings.

To learn more about programs and services available, browse through our Children’s Services Council of Broward County Funded Program Directory or reach out to: